Home > Artworks > Graciela Mirta Fernandez Porcille

Photo of Graciela Mirta Fernandez Porcille Argentina

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He worked in the workshop of master Bigati, Raquel Forner, Dominguez Neira and later in the workshop Rodrigo Rivero. Designer by profession. 1979.

He entered the shop of Edmund Valladares where he joined a group of artistic research.

Beginning study of human figure drawing on live models.

1980. Pooled sample. Research on techniques of watercolor.

1981. Study of the Romantic and...

Awards received

  • 1994, Mención Salón Artes Visuales - Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Quilmes, Pcia. de Buenos Aires
  • 1994, Primera Mención - Salón de Otoño SAAP Buenos Aires, Argentina

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19.69 x 27.56 in
39.37 x 47.24 in
39.37 x 47.24 in
39.37 x 47.24 in
39.37 x 47.24 in
39.37 x 62.99 in
11.81 x 14.96 in
11.81 x 14.96 in
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He worked in the workshop of master Bigati, Raquel Forner, Dominguez Neira and later in the workshop Rodrigo Rivero. Designer by profession. 1979.

He entered the shop of Edmund Valladares where he joined a group of artistic research.

Beginning study of human figure drawing on live models.

1980. Pooled sample. Research on techniques of watercolor.

1981. Study of the Romantic and Impressionist schools. Mixed research. Study of Cubism.

1982. Pooled sample. Audiovisual presentation of the experiences.

1983. Study of the expressionist school, Fauve and surreal.

1984. Sample Self-Image. Visual language research.

1985. Scientific study of the landscape.

1986. Shown in the Art Gallery today. Series exhibitions. Master and disciples.

1986/87. Oleográfica Research and Practice, Exhibition in the days of Plastic Research. Audiovisual projection.

1988. Paintings. Circle of Art Show.

1989. Shown in the Municipal Museum of Fine Arts General Roca. Black River Prov. 1992. Foundation group show at the Cooperative Bank of Home.

1992. Individual sample Credicoop Bank.

1993. Collective exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts of Resistance. Chaco Province.

1994. Participation in the 5th Salon d'Automne of SAAP-Municipal Museum of Visual Arts. Victor Roverano. Quilmes. Hall and the SAAP August. Andreani Foundation shows.

1995. Deliberarte 95. Show at the Honorable Council of the City of Buenos Aires. Argentine Contemporary Art. Villa Diso. Sao Conrado, Rio de Janeiro.

1996. Painting Exhibition Participation Félix Amador.

2001. Collective exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts Félix Amador.

2002. Language Research Conference on Plastic-Photo Audiovisual Research Circle. Displays Group.

2003. Displays at the Museum of Fine Arts Dardo Rocha. La Plata province of Buenos Aires

2006. Study on Audiovisual Research Circle. Language Pop

2007 Study of Subjective color in the Circle of Audio Research Visual

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